Sunday 9 December 2012

Digipak Research

As we have changed our song to a Christmas song, we have to change our digipak design so here are 5 examples of Christmas album digipaks:

-The close-up of Celine Dion suggest that this will be a calm album as she looks quite relaxed in the photo.
-Red has been used to signify Christmas as that is one of the very generic colours of the holiday.
-I find the back cover to be a bit odd as it does not come across as Christmasy to me. I also find that some of the colours don't go well together such as the Pink and the green.
-Mariah Carey has gone for the simple red and white that is associated with Christmas. The white background helps Mariah stand out and be extremely noticeable.
-The font works well as the first letters of her name are bold and red, matching her outfit and this also makes it clear to the consumers as to who the artist is.
-The back cover is again nice and simple but has all of the logos and other pieces of information on that is needed.

-Taylor swift has also used very traditional Christmas colours which suggests that she has quite traditional Christmas songs on her album.
-The close up is very common with all of her album covers as she is quite big on selling her image as well as her music.
-The colourful decorations in the background of the photos suggest that this may be a fun and energetic Christmas album as colour normally shouts fun.
-Ashanti is very concentrated on her image therefore by having two photos of her, it may make people notice he album more.

-Just like Mariah Carey's digipak, Jessica Simpsons is also very simple but it fits the festive criteria perfectly with the traditional colours of Christmas.
-The bow that is on the top left of the front and back cover fits with the idea genre as this my well be a gift for somebody at Christmas.
-The close up of Jessica gives the impression that she is a pure and fresh kind of artists as there is quite a bright light shining on the right side of her face and because her hair and make-up is fairly natural.

It is clear from looking at these album covers that we should use very traditional Christmas colours and have a close up of our artist.

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