Thursday, 24 January 2013

Evaluation: Q3

Audience feedback is crucial to us as it tells us whether or not we have managed to produce a music video that is suitable for our intended audience. It also tells us if we managed to get the image of the artist right and how well our filming and editing seems to a viewer.
We gathered our audience feedback by creating a questionnaire using three different types of questions to vary the way in which our audience could feedback to us.
Some of the people that filled out our questionnaires were not media students therefore they weren't as critical and might not have seen where improvements may need to be made as easily as media students would.


The decorations let the audience know straight
away that it is a Christmas video.

-The overall response to our music video, "Carly Rae Jepsen's Mittens", is that it has a warm Christmas atmosphere to it and is very entertaining, keeping the audiences attention. We achieved this, by filming around the time the Christmas market in Nottingham was open, so we could have a christmas mise-en-scene created by the decorations that were up.

Example of overlapped shots
-In the eyes of our audience, we have succeeded in creating the right image for our artist and they believe that the effects that we used were similar to a professional music video such as overlapping of shots.

-Our audience noticed that quite a few shots were repeated such as this one shown on the right, therefore they suggested that we could have used more of a variety of shots.

-It's clear from our audience feedback that the narrative is easily understood this is because we made the narrative very simple so it was easy to follow.

-From audience feedback you can see that they thought the beat editing was good but not perfect this is because some shots were extended to fit more singing to the camera in to fit the image of the artist and christmas music videos.

-On one of our audience feedback sheets someone made a comment suggesting that the music video didn't really suit Carly Rae Jepsens image, but that the music video had a christmas image. This is because in most christmas music videos created by artists with famous images, they don't usually tie in with their regular image but instead do have a christmas image and mise-en-scene. This is also reflected in our music video.  

Here is a wordle to display the most common words from our audience feedback sheets.
As you can see from the wordle, overall the viewers thought that the music video was good but there were some shots that were repeated. We are aware of this, some of them were intentional but some had been repeated due to lack of usable footage.
If we were to improve our video then we would make sure that we had one location where the artist would be singing to camera that we would always be able to go back to between the narrative. 

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