Wednesday 7 November 2012

Adam Seeley Summer Homework

Music Video Analysis

Pitbull is an American rapper, who always wears a suit with a shirt several buttons undone underneath. This shows his laid back nature which I think he shows in his music videos as he tends to be just watching good looking girls dance and always wears sunglasses that give him that cool guy look. In this first major music video Pitbull sets the tone for the majority of his music video’s as he’s the single guy amongst a lot of god looking girls who are wearing next to nothing. In this video they have a lot of short shots and fast cuts with writing of the lyrics going across the screen. A few years on from his first video, Pitbull’s video with Chris Brown – International Love his style of video doesn’t change much. Once again he is there with a lot of girls dancing around him, in this one and every one there is a dancey feel to the video. Through the videos you can tell that Pitbull’s loves girls and likes to be surrounded by sexy girls dancing

Pitbull has a really unique appearance and at one glance you’d realise who he was. His image is quite smart but casual with the suit with open shirt and sunglasses. His baldhead is iconic as well as everyone associates Pitbull with having a baldhead. In the majority of his videos he has flashing like and colourful effects. Another usual thing that regularly appear in a Pitbull music video are sexy girls. He always has young, good-looking girls dancing around in next to nothing. This kind of gives Pitbull  bit of a pimp image and that hes a bit of a player with women. Through all these thing it gives Pitbull a cool, laid back look

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