Friday 23 November 2012

Video Analysis (Simon Clarke): Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas

-There are lots of close ups of christmas themed items such as a christmas tree, christmas decorations and presents this imediatly tells the audience that it is a christmas song.
-Alot of shots in this music video are pans and tracking shots this at the start goes with the slow rhythm of the song but as the tempo gets faster the tracking/paning speed increases.
-There are lots of low angle shots in this music vieo to show a state of power because the protagonist is happy.

-This video has a very bright lighting on it to represent the happyness of the video.
-The colour red is dominant within this video this is because it is the main colour related with christmas.
-There are alot of christmas decorations shown within this video this is to shows that it is a christmas music video.
-The mise-en-scene includes snow because this is related to christmas and also the playfullness within the snow shows that it is a happy music video.

-The fast paced editing of this music video to go with the tempo shows that it is a joyful music video. Except for the slowpaced editing at the start which is used to build up tension for the sped up tempo.
-The shots are changed the majority of the times using an overlap fade this creates a collection of christmas memorys the protagonist is exploring within the song.
-The average shot length within this video is 3 seconds this is because it is a happy up beat music video and the fast paced editing reflects that.

Some of these shots could work well in mittens such as the slow pans and tracks but the fast paced shots would not work as well because the tempo within the song is more down beat.

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