Friday 5 October 2012

Image & Target Audience - Carly Rae Jespen

Carly Rae Jespen's target audience would be teenage girls, probably the low end of teenagers and some pre teens. In the video she has a crush on the next door neighbour like lots of young girls would, and she tries to get the confidence to talk to him. She also dreams of him and her being together which again most teenage girls would do.

In this video I'd say she is targeting teenage girls and again they would be the younger teens. This is because she is just with her friends having a laugh and dancing. They all go to a cabin-like place and party but they don't drink any alcohol but drink like slush puppies instead which makes me think she isn't targeting older teenagers

From watching the two videos is say Carly Rae Jepsen is targeting young teenage girls for her music as she is innocent in them and acts like a teenage girl

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