Wednesday 10 October 2012

Pitch Comments

step outline wasn't very clear, but once the narrative is organised it has a good potential! Definitely think you can pull it off. Just make sure that you have actors who are fully committed as to do a party scene you will need a lot of actors.

Excellent ideas, very well thought out and planned. Only problem would be actors and getting them all to different locations. Providing this is successful though, you should be able to pull off a good video!

Good potential idea however may have problem with location and quantity actors If you can pull it off it will look good more solid ideas would make it more convincing

love the song and the beat to it, the initial idea is promising, however ideas and locations need more thought and planning. Overall, it is a good idea and cant wait to see it xoxoxo

-From the feedback that we got from our classmates and teacher, we are planning to use fairly small rooms for party scenes so it looks as though there are more people there than there really is.
-To get over the barrier of getting all of the actors to all the different locations, we plan to try and film over one weekend so all the actors are able to attend every location that they are needed for.
-To add more fun to the party scenes we are going to add props such as a chocolate fountain for some of the actors to focus on as in the video for 'Good Time' they have their own slush puppy machine.

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