Friday 5 October 2012

Step outline

The step outline is the basic plan for a music video which describes briefly what goes on in each section of the song. Here is ours for 'Turn Me Up'- Carly Rae Jepsen

Intro 7 seconds: Fast shots of different locations and situations

Verse 23 seconds: Group of friends getting pic-nic stuff together and packing car

Bridge 37 seconds: Setting out pic-nic/girl singing to camera walking through woods

Chorus 1:24: Eating pic-nic and playing games

Verse 2 1:40: Setting up 3 legged race/Do race

Bridge 1:55: Finishing race/Girl singing to camera in woods

Chorus 2:40: Messing around/packing away pic-nic

Bridge 2:57: Packing away/Boy cleaning car trying to get girls attention

Chorus 3:28: Back at girls house, party with chocolate fountain/Girl tries to talk to boy

Outro 3:44: Boy with different girl

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